Saturday, November 28, 2009
My Mom, The Confidence Builder
well I walk downstairs with this half down, very top of my head bun... and my mom looks shocked....
Mom: Are you going out like that?
Jess: Like what? (thinking my clothes) Yeah, what wrong with it?
Mom: No Your hair!
Jess: I am straitening my hair
Mom: Oh okay good.... I was worried you thought that was a cute hairstyle, and you were going to leave this house with it... and no one would talk to you ... and you would come home crying and I would have to talk to you and tell you you are a beautiful person.
Jess: ..... Thanks mom.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Creative Birthday messages
Mom for your Birthday, I am going to get your name tattooed on my Ass
so you can finally be a pain in my ass... well you were before but this time we can make it official..
Love Jessica
she loved it! Took it to work.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Second time!
Not impressed.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
advice I give concerning dating
Today I told a friend to go to a party that the guy she is in to, is at. Drink a bit, then kiss him. B/c if it works... you are sober... but if he turns you down you can play it off as you were sooooo wasted......
this is actual advice i give people. I would do this to. I actually planned once to do this... but on the two occasions the other guy didn't come, and i wasn't ever alone with him......
So dating rule 1. Always be "drunk". Keep a flask filled with water in your backpack, encase the opportunity arises for him to see you pour that clear liquid into your morning cup of Joe, and you can make your move by lunch.*
I am glad we cleared this up.
* this is advice coming from a girl who has had one serious relationship.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween '09
Friday, October 23, 2009
Congrats Males of Canada
*note this is not my list.... I found this on the Internet... seriously
World’s Best Lovers
1. Spain
2. Brazil
3. Italy
4. France
5. Ireland
6. South Africa
7. Australia
8. New Zealand
9. Denmark
10. Canada
Way to go Canada! Gold star.
Friday, October 9, 2009
oh and I feel this needs to be said
I was dragged into helping a friend with her biology lab, she needed a Guinea Pig, and I said yes, after much deliberation. Well I had to get up early, I charged my Ipod, stocked it full of Mugglecast and South park, to keep me entertained so that I do not annoy Jena........ W arrive I sit down, Jena sets up her microscope and in walks Rupert. Oh I have decided to call him that for I do not know his name. Jena, we need to work on that. Well, I stared, and I think only Melanie has seen how I stare wide eyed and mouth opened when I oggle men. So Melanie..... I was doing that again. I tried to listen to my Podular but I felt Jena needed to know this kid sitting across from her and one person away from me, is a look alike of my true love. This was clearly more important than her lab. so how did I do it....
The high school way of course! I wrote Jena a note and slipped it to her. She informed me, that she noticed when he walked in... and was just waiting for me to say something..... Am I really that easy?...... To read.... Oh no not that way...... ummm....
So I decided to befriend Rupert. So that Jena will have friends in her lab... but more for my own selfish needs. Sooooo I think it went quite well.... and it can only go down hill from there, when he tells me his name is not in fact Rupert, this will be disappointing. and the fact.... I will never see him again.... for he is at Dougie, and is present during labs ....... and I am in neither. Oh well Rupert, It was awkward while it lasted.
Sorry for the drool!
Georgia on my mind
also to my Bp Gang members, it was awesome to see you, and Lindsay... thanks for the biggest hug I have ever had. I hope I made you proud!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Angry Face
I feel a lot of anger right now towards people, I don't know if this is genuine anger, or if I am affect by what happened tonight, or if I didn't hunker completely and am still carrying around my character.
I feel let down by people who have declined my show, and haven't given me a reason. I guess this is childish. but these people mean a lot to me, we go way back, and i worry there friendships have been swayed b/c of circumstances that I guess I am not giving my full attention b/c I am trying to dedicate myself to this crazy masochistic career I have chosen. I feel horrible.
After the Oaks incident today, I went home an cried. I don't know why. I wasn't involved, but this voiced opinion got out of hand. I am so thankful I never opened my mouth, everything just snowballed. I cried for Fiona. So those from Douglas reading this: show up! Support us please!
For the first time in a year, I wish someone was here, and was holding my hand, allowing me to cry on them, let out all my frustration, anger, insecurities, heartache. They would let me yell at myself for I am angry, I am confused as to why I do what I do. I want something, and I don't know how to break through this stupid fucking wall I have put up to stop myself from reaching it. I am scared that everyone else will get there before me, and I feel I am falling behind, because they have there lives, relationships, careers, homes, and/or money figured out and I am stuck. Scared shitless, of life and failure. I want truth, but feel people don't give it to me.
I want to know honestly what you thought of me, what you thought of the show. If I sucked, tell me. How can I learn? How can I grow? How can I let go?
My mom , and Laura seemed really proud of me for my performance and I thank you. Right now remembering Laura saying I was amazing makes me teary eyed. and the hug, and saying you cried. Ah, that is why I love you and invite you. You show up, and are so proud to see me.
sorry guys I needed a little sad post
P.S. I like hugs. So if you are happy to see me, or are proud, or need me. Give me a real hug, and I will hugg you back! I just want to feel wanted and loved right now.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Will I learn? Only time can tell
You may say this isn't bad... WELL its had a day to de-red-ify..... and my lower half is worse. I don't have enough confidence to put a picture of my butt on the Internet. Sorry. So pretty much if you never wanted to imagine me slightly unclothed... sorry for this and for those who have/do.... Sorry I have now crushed your images....
so i am Tarantino-ing this shit.
Laura got slightly undressed
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Being Unemployed Takes A Lot of Work.
Direction write a sonnet about someone you love.
Thought: I don't love. I know that sounds horrible but I am thinking it is true. I lust, I like. I Platonicly love, maybe? I love my parents, and my close friends, but I can't describe those feelings..... it just a strong feeling towards them...... that I associate with love. So I don't won't to write a poem about my mom.... That would not go so well. My dog? No. My best friend? No that might be taken strangely, and i will have to put up with the lesbian rumours again. So Kim and I made a list of what I love/ how I love, here it is:
Rupert Grint
Shopping/sales associates
My dog
Harry Potter
Mr. Right Now
b/c I can't handle love we chose Mr. Right Now. So we made a funny poem, about crushes, and then it turns into the speaker being turned off by the right now guy. I don't know who this reminds you of,.... but its not me..... I swear.. It's not taken from my life. Then Sunday night my teacher says he hopes we are taking the topic seriously he wants our heart and souls..... Sheeeeeeett. My poems is funny and makes fun of me... and not love.... uh oh.
New poem. Love taken seriously. I don't know if I can love, or even if I believe in it anymore. I believe in lust and liking but love, devoted love. I thought long and hard.. "that's what she said" I decided to share the closest thing I have felt to love in a year and a half. Started out as an idea to seriously talk about mine and Rupert Grints relationship, but it become more personal..
Sonnet #1
To hold the truth, I hope to be your girl.
A villain made when Dawn makes Dreaming break.
In my bare hands I wish your soul to whirl;
A blissful darkness, Lighted well you make.
Mine mind is where we have died together
And silhouettes of foe lay discontent.
My star shine gleam in your heart forever.
Release my heart, seeing concrete torment;
A blistered Heart of pain and woe and death,
Has passion stowed, with love it lies in waste.
Allow frost to fall from your sweetest breath
So I recall the loving mourning taste.
Embrace vast barricades between our corpse
Evermore my heart beats the code of Morse.
uhhh this is awkward..............
Friday, September 18, 2009
Yeah, I am Eating Olives for Breakfast. Jealous?
I am starting to panic about my life choices, which is resulting in crazy shoulder and neck tension. I feel I have made big mistakes, yet I don't want to settle. I worry about things that I shouldn't. I should be enjoying my youth and should be carefree, instead I get stomach pains from worry, and head aches from over thinking.
Do I risk a friendship? or Two?
I want to look into the future, see whom and what is my future, and then let go of all my worries and live live knowing that everything is going to be okay.
I had a great talk with Fiona yesterday before sitting in on the Lovestruck Rehearsals. I told her my insecurities with my Monday classes, and that I think I need to do something about my anxiety and panic attacks. Schedules, and regularity is good for us because when you come from a family that is unstable, you crave this security. which is why I look forward to regular play practice, and weekly set hangouts.
Last night on my way home from the LoveStruck auditions, I heard these two people using a horrible fake British accent. The guy was alright, but the girl...... oh my god. Horrible. She was standard 1880's British then some Australian, oh did I just hear a pinch of New Zealand. oh.... was that suppose to be cockney. AND PEOPLE FELL FOR IT. So many people kept asking these young kids (I am now legal to the whole world, so I consider anyone younger, a kid) where they were from. They said London, and they are here for theatre school. I burst out laughing. Everyone on the platform looked at me. So this continued on my way home. I couldn't stop laughing, at one point the accents got so bad I laughed and choke on my own saliva. Had a coughing fit. Embarrassing, but not as embarrassed as I was going to make those two kids.
I texted a friend and told him to call me and I was going to do an accent and just go along with it. So the moment I picked up my phone, I put on a good British accent. Faint, and not over emphasized. The look on those kids faces was priceless. I smiled at them, and they refuse to speak for the rest of the ride. On my way out, I turned and smiled sweetly and right before walking of onto the platform I said
"Nice try" in my accent
Oh there faces and the faces on the stranger on the train. AHHH so good. Man I am a bitch. but it was so much fun.
And yes I realize I am no better than them, but if you are going to pretend to be British or from somewhere else. LEARN THE PROPER ACCENT.
Monday, September 14, 2009
This goes out to my BP peeps!
The ball popped!
It really hurt. I had to ice my rump for the rest of the day. It was really awkward.
Especially b/c most of the class was 40 and over and they didn't pop the ball.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Here is my young life being attacked
Monday's I will be at class all day. The morning consists of me pouring my heart until I am emotionally drained, returning after lunch to do a scene about pregnancy, abortion and rape for a few hours, then returning from dinner and rehearsing "blood blood, omg I killed the king, and the blood won't come off my god damned hand. Shit shit, Blood, Come you spirits get this bloooooodd off my hands" .... but in better words with the help of Mr. Bill Shakespeare.
Tuesday- Sunday: Well, come mid-October I will be split between Christmas Carol, and LoveStruck at night and possibly during the day on weekends.
I will have no life. I guess I do need to make friends in these groups of people, for they will be the ones I will see regularly till December...... even January. For those that don't know, since last Monday I was fully embracing " I don't want to make friends". Guess I do need to.
I have days free so far.... But I need to find a part time job.... I guess. Those who have Tuesdays-Fridays free during the day...... We need to talk, I might be able to see you.
I am very nervous for class tomorrow. I think I am a lot older than most kids in the class..... What if I suck.... What if all the kids in the class that just got out of high school, are way better than me........... and they give me wedgies, and beat me up and steal my milk money.... This is a really scary thing.
The next two pictures pretty much summarize me and what is going to happen at school tomorrow and for the rest of my life! I am not being over-dramatic!
Yeah, notice the age difference.... this is how those punks are going to see me.
Friday, September 11, 2009
I don't know whether being good at outburst is considered a talent
Had excellent girl talk with Jena on the way home. Wish we could have continued it.
I need to watch what I eat....... I may become a fattie soon.
I have Sunday free biotches. ohhhhh I don't need to go to practice. What What!
Shakespeare you effing scare me.
I worry that I am a bitch, and I only think I am a good person. I don't want to hurt people, and I am worried to follow/ take my impulses, instead I over think things in my head.
I want to move out. I can't handle my mother any more
I love dogs
I realized I have have a weird all over the map TV liking. Shows I currently Love/PVR
Americas next top model. Am rooting for Nicole? the red head who is quiet. She is like me.
Police Women of Broward County: I love listening to people try to convince the cops that wind blew that baggie of pot into their bra. I was convinced, I would make a horrible cop.
So you think you can dance.... and Canada: but the women on SYTYCD Canada are not amazing.
Toddlers and Tiaras: Makes me feel i will not ruin my future daughter(Rocket Winter Grint)'s life.
Being Erica: You make me feel I can screw up my life and Dr.? will allow me to fix it and find true love. Thank you
Glee: Show Choir Groups..... I love music and singing, with dramatic arm reaches and put them together its ecstasy.
The office
Say Yes to the Dress: Okay not for my wedding, but I have a love/hate thing for bridezillas, and girls who spend 10 grand on a dress you wear for 9 hours.............. that is a down payment on a place to live.
I am probably forgetting some, but this is what is in my PVR.
picture me as a naked baby, but doing jazz hands
Mike was telling Fiona how he knows the gist of his monologue
"there is a light celestial... uh and then a naked baby"
and the naked baby is my character in a memory... well I was a little tired and decided to make a creepy face and bring out the jazz hands to represent a naked baby.....
This didn't get the reaction I thought it would...I was more laughed at.
I love Glee. Anything that slightly resembles a musical makes my knees go weak. I love the kid in the wheelchair.
My new goal in life is to have a singing voice like lea who is the lead female in Glee. Amazing.
Top Songs from Glee..
1: Don't stop believing
2:Gold digger
3: Rehab
additional fav. sit down your rocking the line ever
"you have a kid in a wheelchair singing "Sit down, your rocking the boat"
"I think he is going for Irony"
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I don't want to make friends
Film and TV ------ Monday's 2-5...... This is still a maybe for me.
Am excited. Feel this was a good decision
Felt unbelievable judged at the Potluck. When Becca and I came up those stairs all the girls glared at us. I have never been given the stink eye so much. Why can't we all just be friends, really?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Who knew Nursing Asistants could be so cool?
We discussed London, my Mom, My friends.
We had a very strange chat with many sexual innuendos comparing handshakes and this certain man weak one...... I would never have this convo with my mom.
They were also very interested about my love life. and gave me much advice. I Love middle aged women
And one of those women married her high school sweetheart...... Kim... that could be you... sort of.......
I told them I wanted a Russian revolution themed wedding. They didn't get it. Oh well...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Pez Talk
During our discussion I think I completely ruined my innocent image. Oh well.
Thats what she said...
*Please excuse my attempt at English, it was 6:30 in the morning. What i meant to say was I need to head off to catch my bus...... I said
"Well, I better be getting head.... " (I forgot to add the 'ing' to head)
I will never forget the look he gave me after I said this.... It is embedded in my mind.
Plans for my week
Monday: Live through it
Tuesday Start House sitting. Goal: Do not kill the cat
Wednesday: Do not let the cat escape
Thursday:Pedi....cures..not files.
Friday: Rehearsal mOTHER f-ERS
Saturday: Tea? Possibly? 90's party. Still debating whether I should dress up. I really just want to wear my green body suit, but that for some reason doesn't scream 90's. The only other option is Spice Girl.... but I have a feeling if I go in that direction I might flash guests by mistake.
Sunday: No f-ing clue
Monday: Breakfast and Swimming. Even if it is freezing, I am jumping in that ocean. I didn't get in enough swimming time this year.
A conversation from Lindsay and I
From: Lindsay Sent: August 17, 2009 10:23 AMTo: Jessica Subject: tomorrow
Is there anyway that you would swift shifts tomorrow? I have a doctors appointment at 9 in ladner.
From: Jessica Sent: August 17, 2009 10:24 AMTo: Lindsay Subject: RE: tomorrow
No Problem Mo FO
From: Lindsay
Thanks gangster
From Jessica
NO Prob L-Thug
We are the coolest Gangsters this side of the river. and dare I say both sides.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I Will Dominate
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Potem Toles, Puma's and Bears with Lasers. Oh My!
A friend calls and tells me " tonight there are to be many shooting star, we are going to go star gazing"
To me the idea of lying under the stars under blankets freezing with friends, is a no brainer. I stayed out till 12:30. good fun. I realized though with my lack of sleep, my speech has suffered thus the running joke of them "potem toles". I meant totem poles, guys.
While Jena was taking pictures, Matt and I huddled for warmth, until I swear the bush by use moved, we both backed away and left Jena to defend us.
With the original movie night group having only three original members remaining in Canada, I got to thinking which Harry Potter Characters would we be.....
Jena is Harry Potter, for she is much braver than Matt and I could ever be...combined...
Matt is Hermione, for he is a smarty pants and likes to correct my words. ex. Potem toles
Me, I am Ron, fine by me. I think b/c I am stubborn. It just fits.
I enjoy singing with Lindsay.
We sand "Whats New Pussy Cat" Many a time together today. I will now shed a tear. Not really. But I will in my head
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I would make a fierce ninja
I go to do a ninja chop from far away.
I guess i but a little to much energy into it, and pop crack...
a numb feeling. I think I threw my shoulder out. Lindsay had a good laugh.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Cold Showers bring..I would rather stay dirty for a week.
I hear this hiss, and rushing water sound... Our hot water tank was leaking and our basement was soaked...
So we had take out the hot water tank and empty it...
all while the dye is still in my hair. Oh Crap! I need to get it out.... But we had to turn off all the water due to my dad busting a pipe when he was removing the hot water tank....
so what do I do.
Not wanting to get hair dye in any of my neighbours houses, I decided to use the house at the side of the house to wash my hair. Worst experience ever! Neighbours walked by and saw this and laughed. BUT I HAD TO GET THE HAIR DYE OUT. I ended up soaking my back in freezing cold water do to the weird angle I had to hold my body at to wash said hair. Oh the pains of being female.
Oh,I have nothing on..but the radio!
The planet Mars (the Roman God of war) is associated with aggressive action, competitiveness, strong energy and physical activity. It's also highly sexual. Va, va, va, voom! When it's in your sign, it increases your confidence and makes you much more of a fighter for your rights than usual. It gives you lots of physical energy, and turns you on! ("Why don't you come over some time when I've got nothing on but the radio.") You can work long hard hours and accomplish a lot. Basically it's very positive. Nevertheless, too much of a good thing (can be wonderful according to Mae West) can make you aggressive or threatening in the eyes of others, especially authority figures. Just be aware of this. "Down Chita! Down!"
Cancer (June 21-July 22
Friday, August 7, 2009
Who send emails like this?
it was a question she could not work out with my father so she emailed me.
Do you want your Father or me to pick you up tonight? (thats all that was in the email)
I don't give a fuck.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Self Esteem down 500 points
After Dinner her dad said I had Chicken Legs............
Is there anything less sexy than Chicken Legs?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Maybe your Mom can call my Mom, and set up a date?
Sitting on a Roof at SFU, Drinking Tea
Rocket Grint.
Please notice that last name attached, Better start working on getting into Hollywood soon, if I want my children to have that last name.
Laura thought this was a bad idea if I have a girl. I see her point....
But if I have a boy I can sing Rocket Man to him........I like that.
Laura and I tried seducing everyone on Burnaby Mountain with our flexibility, and we worked on my seduction skills. Tres Magic!
I had the urge to roll down the hill....... I couldn't stop.Once out of log positions i kept tumbling my feet went over my head and my limbs were going in every direction.
Laura Attempted Handstands, and then we decided to write smutty romance/porn. I see a hit on our hands.........
An Awkward Moment
I have a horrible time deciphering when a guy is into me, everything goes over my head. So While buying our tea, there were these two guys looking at us and smiling. Not sure if Laura noticed, but I figure since they kept looking at us, they knew Laura....... then I made eye contact and one the guys winked.... I have this weird thing with winking, I find it creepy! It takes me a moment to realize its a wink, I usually think the person has something in their eye or they have a twitch..... Winking is not a cute thing to me. I prefer looks and eye contacts and smiles giving across the room...... Not winks... I feel dirty after winks.... Like I need to go pray to Blanket to take away my sins (Shout out to Laura)
That's it really........
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A Greeting
The Doorknob:
When the other person goes for a fist bump, you grab their bump, in you hand and turn the fist like a door knob. A formal greeting.
A Mass of Awesome
Monday was great!!!! Kim came over and after deciding she should wear The Betsy to Zack's Sisters Wedding, we organized my books. I ask that if ever coming to visit me, stop by my house and bring me some books, I will inform the parents. Once that was accomplished, I realized my anxiety about London and finding a place to live, Kim decided we needed to start drinking. At 2pm. On Canada. Isn't great that we can buy a bottle of cheap wine and a box of Popsicles without judgement. I Love You Canada. We ate some Popsicles on the way back home. The Hill Killed us..... We were panting by the end of it.
Ate some more Popsicles, and finished our bottle of wine before dinner....hmmmm. slightly problematic. We raided my dads liquor cabinet looking for Gin to make the ever classy Gin and Tonic. Feeling tipsy we decided a trek to the Corner Store to by Tonic was a great idea. You know what? They don't sell tonic! So we improvised with Ginger Ale. So we sipped our G and G's, and discussed anything and Everything. I like Kim, she is swell. Shout out to Kim!
Manly discussed our futures.
The "fake" kidnapping Bachelorette party my angry pregnancy's
my monster children my mom
my dad Kim's sister
moving out Jobs
My ideas on marriage and children that will crush my mother
Traveling Going to Paris
True Loves My guy ADD
My strange I start out in love and then my feelings fade as the other person's grow...... It's horrible.
Its all good.
My mom skyped me last night at 11:30 b/c she wanted to say night! I was asleep and was awoken by my dads computer. I was a grumpy pants and hung up.
me: (softly and confused) Hello?
Mom: HHHHHiiiiiii Jeeesss, It's mom
Me: Wha..what..Its ..I was sleeping
Dad: She wanted to say goodnight... (to my mom) Marilyn I told you she would be in bed
Mom: Jess/.....JESSS. Can you hear me?
Me: I was sleeping
Mom: I wanted to say...
I hung up. I am a grumpy pants when I deal with my mother. I will miss her..........maybe after three months. But then I have her for Christmas, and she is going to be clingier than saran wrap....and everyone knows how I handle cling.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Just Listen for Water
Yesterday I was to attend a pool party, something I was worried about due to me being antisocial and awkward. Plus... Have not mentally and Physically prepared for bathing suit season.
Well we transit to David's and are looking for his place and can't seem to find it. So best bet...just pick a direction and go. Finally got a hold of David and got his directions. My personal favourite direction was turn right at the dumpster. And Kim heard this and pointed out every dumpster we saw. I said lets just listen for water. See my logic for this is where there is water there is a large mass of people laughing and splashing, hence we will hear the pool party.
We found it! B/c I am awesome with directions.....Landmarks not streets. So if ever giving me directions, make them like this:
Turn right by the yellow telephone booth, and then keep walking until you see this House that looks like its haunted then go around it and Find the fullest dumpster crawl under that and find the cliff that looks like an eyebrow, and i will meet you there.
That's how I rock!
Boys are awesome, I like Boys. I like the people I am still in touch with from Highschool.
Kim swimming
Discussion of Talented actors and sexy males with Joe, and him constantly asking me if I like Brad Pitt.WHAT WHAT Seth Rogan
Star Trek Fan Video
Discussion of Lysistrata
People saying I am cute! (personality and hopefully looks wise)
and that is all I feel safe to discuss
I think it was a pretty good night. Got home late but I am feeling good today.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
An email from my mother
This is the email I just received from her....
Hi Jess
Just to let you know that we have not left yet and do not know when we will. Dad is packing up the trailer and is taking it up to Pentiction. So, hopefully we will make it up there safely. If anything happens to us, please sell the house or if not there is a line on it that needs to be taken care of asap so you do not loose too much money. You will need a lawyer for this.
Love Mom
I still have laughter tears in my eyes from it
Monday, July 27, 2009
Its a Monday!
I think I have my work visa, but I am not 100% accepted yet for I don't have it in my hand.
Today I went to the Visa Office to get my finger prints scanned and another photo taken. They now have three photos of me. I think they like my face. It seems a little excessive if they aren't going to place pictures of my solemn no smiling passport like pose on their desks and coffee mugs, don't you think?
When I was filing out my application form for the work visa there was about 20 questions asking if I was in anyways involved with a terrorist group. This can easily be asked in one question, but to make sure that you aren't lying to them they ask an extra 19 times, just rewording it, hoping to trick you into divulging your truth. Well luckily I was never part of a terrorist group, that I know of; in grade 10 I was a part of a writing club and we secretly wanted to take down the leaders, and just play mafia. I think that is as far anti-establishment I got. Anyways I found Myself wanting to ask my interviewer if she has ever come across anyone that has checked yes to those questions, but decided against it when I told her what my unique middle name means, she didn't find it funny. Hey, she asked, I figure I should tell her.
I got to work early, I took a half day, so I wasted about and hour bothering Lindsay, and then decided I should help her with her assignment. We had a great time considering how boring a job it was.
On the weekend my mother decided to give me a talk about one night stands when I am in London. It was extremely awkward. To convince my mother I am not like that I said quickly with out thinking
"I don't get girls who have one night stands"
"what do you mean, you don't get girls?"
"oh, um, i mean I don't understand girls who do that"
"oh OK, cause I am in no hurry to be a grandmother"
"Oh yeah well, me neither. to be a mom ...not a grandmother. ....I'm an old fashioned girl .....except I don't like touching... and affection... and I don't want to be treated like a princess ..... so really i guess I am not old fashioned....ummm I just... well really mom I don't like touching so there is no need to worry"
It was extremely awkward, and not even funny awkward I think.
Today while heading to my appointment I saw a balding, middle aged fat man reading Twilight. I laughed out loud when I saw this. I am proud to saw I will NEVER read the books.
My last day at work is now August 21st.
I am very Excited
Tonight I am attending an early screening of Julie and Julia with my cuz. Shall be fun!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Today is a Sad Day in the Life of Jess
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I swear..
Here we go.
Some people are stupid, not laughable funny post stupid, but an immature, childish and loves gossip and drama Stupid. I hope people my age will be classier in England.
I now believe the statistic that men actually do gossip more than women. They just don't think they do.
Disclaimer: This comment excludes those people who are more than 3 years older than me, and most of my Drama friends, and Kim. You guys Keep being you. Those of you who don't fall in this category, and are thinking...jeez I wondering if this applies to me, it might not but for your own good, and for those it does apply to, GROW UP.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Three weeks left of work!
But only for her far
I think I must get high while I sleep
Well Now that you know my Kryptonite, let me tell you this
I have 9 bites on my entire body!
I am a giant walking mass of itch! 3 of them are on my ass, and i have trouble not want to scratch......for obvious reasons.
I think I must sleepwalk or something because I do strange things while I sleep.... This morning I awoke naked and on top of a made bed. And I clearly remember wearing clothes to bed, and sleeping under the covers....but some how in the middle of the night my covers were made like they were a hotel bed. I slightly remember my thought process of my clothes though.
I think it went like this
JEEZ it is too noisy to wear a shirt ..... (it was actually my dog making the noise..not my shirt) so the shirt comes off
then a bit later ....
MAN Pants are not freeing, they try to keep me chained down, I will rebel. and they came off
BUT ....
I do not know why the bed was made.....
Also sometime during that time I thought it a good idea to make ice tea......... I remember this happened about 2 in the morning.
Why am I suck a Freak.....
Monday, July 6, 2009
Death is like sex in high school. If you knew how many times you missed having it, you'd be paralyzed.
"No, thanks. I'm trying to stay off of the ass juice for now."
Oh Dead like me! I love you. Going to refinish the 1st season tonight. I love it. I still think the second season is my fav, but so far from my memory Here are my fav episode...
1) The pilot...Sooo goood, I always tear up when they play Que Sera Sera at the end. Tear.
2) Masons "Last" Reap. I cry at the one too
3)Betty (the Jumper) 's Big escape
4)The Aftermath of George loosing her virginity, and Dolores coming to her rescue
5)Mason and the illegals in his bottom
6)The Office romance of GEOrge
Had a great saturday: Drinking with one of my Favorite Girlies. Good Mojitos, Good talk, Good Weather.
Parents come back Thursday.... then I take off. So July 14th or 15th is the Big Talk. Scared!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
BR's and Harry Potter Audio Books
Weeks to end of Job: 5
Progress Of Work Visa: Waiting.
I had my first moment of intense sadness for leaving today, and it came at the weirdest time.
Lindsay made a joke about how Angela would win in a fight between me and her b/c Angela is intense and I couldn't stop laughing at the image, I started walking back to my desk, and then BOOM I teared up and a lump formed in my throat and I was like.... I won't see Lindsay or Angela for two years.............
I quickly swallowed my sadness and returned. But I know come September I am going to be an emotional wreck, saying goodbye.
People I can't think about when I plan London otherwise I tear up: IT and Angela and Lindsay from Work, Kim, My parents, My Cousin and her Husband, My Dog, Laura Stagg.
I will Miss many others but these people I see regularly and have history with. I see work people everyday, going to be a change, I love my family, Laura Stagg makes me laugh like no other (Oh the dolphin), and Kim just moved back for good, and now I am leaving.
But I know if i don't do it I will be kicking myself.
Also I have started having dreams of me telling my Parents and they haven't gone well. Last night I had 4 different versions. None Happy
I painted my finger Nails an extremely neon shade of Yellow
Excited for Girls hang out Tomorrow
Extremely excited for Saturday and cheap girly drinks avec Kim
British word of the Day: Aerial
TV Antenna
Monday, June 29, 2009
It's been awhile
Todays moment of Laughter was with angela
We were at a red light in her car and the person infront of us was about one car lengths away from the car infront of him, so clearly he wasn't triggering the light. Finally he moves up... and as we get through the light, he zooms off. Well at this point Angela and I started saying dirty drving ..actually more like yelling it and pointing fingers...and in accents. We drove by him and I decided action must be taken. I din't roll down the window, so he couldn't hear me, but I pointed and said " DIRTY, DIRTY DRIVER" he didn't notic though.......but angela laughed. And thats all that matters.
lets see what else is new
I started sewing again. so far the count is
I am thoroughly enjoying the quiet time with my sewing.
Ummm I am moving to London. Yup. It's pretty much Official. Just waiting for my Work visa to come through. I am scared poopless (I don't know if I can swear on Blogger), but I am excited as well.
Things I need to figure out In two months.
A job. I have a lifestyle of spending... I would like to continue this in London, but have a feeling I won't be able to. My Ideas so far
-See if they have agencies for Extra's. Could be fun. I want to be in Harry Potter and
meet Rupert Grint
-usher/rip tickets
-Apply to an employment agency and hope they help me
-Be a nanny
Where do I buy a mattress?
What taxes do I pay?
How do I get Internet?
How do I get cable/satellite?
Where do I buy Groceries?
Do I need to set up a bank account over there?
Is the tube open 24 hours a day?
Does somebody want to give me a job?
How do I get my sewing machine over there?
Where can I buy cheep fabric?
Where is a good place to live?
How do I make friends?
Is it true British Boys expect you to put out on the first date?
Will they find my Canadian accent sexy?
Are there sex stores geared towards women?
Man I need to get working on this
I have also been "joking" about marrying for Citizenship..... it's not a joke. If I love it there and am doing well, at the end of my two years I might place an ad on Craigslist and ask for someone to marry me for citizenship. I will pay them, and we won't have to live together. I am excited, but frightened.
So If anybody Knows people over there, help me out ask these questions to them.... especially the job one. PLEASE HELP ME GET A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
July 10-July 14 th, back in time for Harry potter on the 15th. I am a die hard fan, what can I say.
All By Myself... I love to be... All By Myself.... For A Month.
Only twice did I freak out that someone is in the house.
My dog is cute, but last night she was a pain in the butt, she spent two hours licking her paws. It is loud at 2 am.
My mom trying to Skype is hilarious. Pretty much a repeat of the scene from Forgetting Sarah marshal. We have the cameras on and both laptops have built in micro phones, yet my mom believes I can hear her so she speaks into the speaker which then her head blocks the camera and all i see is grey hair...... Don't tell her I said that.
Lets see what did I do for Two days, and a quarter...
I made a Delicious snapper papillote.
I watched Election, I only like the end when he throws the milkshake at her car and runs away, and when Tracy flick is jumping b/c she was given a signal she won the campaign..... Otherwise I don't like the movie
I watched 18 Kids and counting....... How can you not kiss before you get married....... Like all josh and Anna did was hold hands and gaze into each others eyes and Say "I love you" ... PUKE
Say yes to the dress. I am going to have the coolest wedding
The office....... I love the Cheese puff throwing..... Man I wish I learnt that at BP
watched about two hours worth of unwrapped while talking to jayden on msn.... He stayed up till about 4 am his time to talk to me....hmmmmmm
Slept in till 10:30..... WHAT What Gangsta!
Watched That's Entertainment....... Man I love Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire
Finished the current season of the office. LOVE LOVE LOVE the last two episodes.
If currently watching Scroll till Next ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ sign. WARNING SPOILERS
Michael and his Cafe Disco. Awesome, PHYLLIS and her back...... Oh i lover her she just falls awesome.
Casual Friday and Meredith. Omg .... "Meredith Why aren't you wearing underpants" " It's casual Friday isn't it" .... ahahahaha....Oh Meredith you whore, I love you.
Pam and Jim were going to elope but had too much fun dancing...awwwwww
ANDY AND KELLY..... Omg .. The dance off is amazing. Kelly doing the flashdance stripper scene with no water. is awesome. I want them to be a couple, they are both so weird but perfect know that i saw that episode. They are both so obsessed with who ever they are dating, it would be perfect. LOVE!!!!!
Also I love the Receptionist, she is soooo funny and awkward but nice....
The volleyball game ...oh Phyllis baby you crack me up "Oh my ankle" "Phyllis You didn't even move" " I tripped".... and she runs out of the game with no limp.... awesome.
Pam is good at volleyball.
I just love seeing dundermifflin scrantin as a team, they really used everyone in this episode....
PAM is preggers!!!!!! OMG . When I saw Jims face I started crying, it was so sappy but I hope I have that kind of relationship some day...lov love love.
Oh that crazy show.
and I watch 4 weddings and a funeral
Billy Elliot
Oh and then Kim came over for dinner, It was lovely. I miss girl talk. Love love love.
Funny Face
Realized I can sing
Watch What not to wear.
Finished watching Driving Lessons...... Oh I LOVE YOU RUPERT GRINT.
and found that they made a movie of angus, things and full frontal snogging, but i guess they Had to change it to prefect snogging b/c full frontal is to X-rated.........So i will watch that tonight.
Lindsay isn't hear..... Boooo, and neither is Angela.... boo. Maybe she is just late.......
Friday, June 12, 2009
I am offically by myself for a whole month.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Angry Sailor
On our way back to the office, Angela said "nice pants"....
About 30 secs of silence....... My reply
"Fuck you" it was the first time I swore at someone at work. And that person had to have been Angela...We are still friends.
GOD.....Is this you giving me a hint towards my dilemma?
WOW THIS PRETTY MUCH MY LIFE..... the first line.
wait and the authority parents are leaving i will be independent....
and the freedom... does it mean don't make plans for my future just yet...meaning don't start panicking for a job just yet.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Look Ma! I Made Friends...
Jena's 21st Birthday Par-Tay! With Pictures!
I brought Champagne and opened it... I had to put the bottle between my legs.
The Early arrival group.
We are awkward.
We don't know anybody.
High School Movie Night Buddies!
I look cute, I admit.
I wish I could blow this up so you can see my two different coloured socks. Purple and hot pink.
Kyle. One of the friends I made. He was upset that I with him for first place in a game of bowling. I was really good until I started sobering up.
Who Knows How to Party? None of these people look like they know how to party!
Kiss Kiss
The Pirate knows how to party!
I thought This was a good pose at the time.
Clearly I was wrong.
I don't remember Taking this picture. Otherwise I might of rethought it. I look like a Zombie or Alex has the power to kill people with just the wave of his hand and the camera took the picture right as life was taken from me and i am about to drop to the floor.
Oh man my legs look amazing they are glowing.
Random drunk girl who kept introducing herself to me, but I can't remember her name. She is the one who took advantage of me while i was standing.
And Good looking group shot
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
With both the Sun and your ruler Mercury in your sign, you're empowered. (And chatty!) You've got energy to burn. However, something else is going on. It's subliminal, behind the scenes, and possibly at a subconscious level. Something you're doing privately (or on your own) might lead to major changes in the future -- changes for the better. Unknowingly, you might be cultivating a new habit pattern or a new belief system about what you're capable of. Friends from other cultures are supportive. (In fact, new romance could blossom!) Opportunities to travel or explore training, education and new ideas also exist. Expect offers and perks with publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Hey, this is exciting!
ooooooooooo..... A new romance...... What about one that is on hold, and hasn't really started does that count as new? Or is my Red haired Rich British man on his way?
Parents gone in 10 days. and there is soo much to do.
Grocery shop: at least i will have finished all my cooking classes by that time. So i will be a wiz in the kitchen.
Get the hot tub working: I am going to relax while the nag is out
Sleep with the door open and unlocked: there have been some instenses where a closed door has not kept a certain person out of my personal space.... I don't have to deal with this for one month
Plan my vacation week: june 16-22 what what. Who wants to hang out.
Clean my room: so i can get in and out safetly
Put the closet doors back on: Its been a year.. they need to get back on... but I need a man to help me
Go to the beach: Might go bymyself and read this weekend. Maybe Saturday.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Panic Time
Sources say July 15, and 17th.... Make your mind!
If its on the 15th i need to change the days i booked off. Oh God!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Man I wish I was blonde just for this
Everyday I look across the office floor, there you were, you're hair down to you're legs and you're legs down to the floor.
Leggie blonde, goodbye. Goodbye.
GoodbyeI had a budgie but it died
I like pieeeeee
Leggie leggie leggie leggie Leggie leggie leggie leggie Leggie leggie leggie leggie Leggie leggie leggie leggieBlondie blondie blondie blondie Blondie blondie blondie blondie Blondie blondie blondie blondie Blondie blondie blondie blondie
I'll never get to tear you're clothes off on the photo copier.
Oh leggie blonde you got it goin on wanna see you wearin that thong thong thong, see you get it on till the break of dawn...panties on.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Birthday Lunch
Awesome Anniversary for 21 years from the day I was expelled from my mother womb!
Second: Thanks Kim for the awesome birthday card. I got it yesterday.
Thirdly: Thanks Kim for the awesome E card. I had a good laugh, and so did my mother.
So I wake up to the Rain... This wasn't fantastic but I refused to let it bother me. At least it sisn't sunny while i am stuck inside wishing I took my birthday off. At least I am warm and dry. And I don't have anything to do since the Sims isn't out yet and I have watched all the harry potter movies about 10 times in the last 3 weeks. soo....
I get a ride to skytrain which is nice because I don't have to get wet.
I get a seat on the bus. Which is nice b/c I can read the 7th Harry potter book
I get to work, and my desk is decorated. with a large banner, and pink princess balloons, and confetti. Surprise. And lindsay is happy to see me. I was worried I would get into trouble for these b/c I figured Melanine did it, so I started taking things down, and scooping up all the confetti, with the help of lindsay. well I Thank mel and she actually has no idea what I am talking about....... Turns out my boss is the one who made a beautiful thoughtfull mess of my desk.. so I quickly oput everything back up and re throw confetti everywhere. It was awesome! hahahaha. And I am totally going to carry my balloons on the bus.
The office gave me a card, it was pretty. and inside...A gift certificate to HM. Its like they want me to indulge my shopping addiction.
Julie shaffner gave me a card as well. it was soooooo cute. a little doggie popping out of a box
Next The mail man comes up and i notice a large box. THE MAKEUP I ORDERED SOOOOO LONG AGO. Of course it would arrive on my birthday! It was like a birthday present to myself. awesome! so Lindsay and I went through it.... I am going to be soooo Pretty!
And my face book keeps getting written on, which i haven't checked yet, i am saving that for the end of the day.
Man what A great day so far. and it is only 11:26. And I still have my birthday lunch!
Awkward Moment. My mom crying this morning " I can't believe its been 21 years" After about an hour of this and countless hugs, I don't know what to do. She was following me around the house while I was trying to get ready for work. so i awkwardly patted her on the shouder, and said "Yup" and ran up the stairs......
Monday, May 25, 2009
Best Invention Ever
They were delicous. I can now sit with the neighbourhood kids and eat freezies with them. But the cops will never know. Mine contains Vodka! High Five!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Today is Doghnut day.... and fruit salad day I guess
It is not a BAM.... or a good thing ...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
A walk down Memory Lane with Jessica
So take my arm as I lead you down this 80's inspired, Me First and The Gimmie Gimmies background music path to my innocent days.
I was at Kim hanging out with Kim, on a friday night. Nothing new there. We were at her house, probably b/c the week before we had been at my house. I don't think I was sleeping over, but I was there, and Underwear was not being thrown and tic tacks were not being spit at us by her sister.
Remember Angela and I were discussing my height. Well this will strengthen your views of my coolness
Kim and I decided to measure how tall i was and to see if i had longer legs or torso. We took a bet I said torso and she said legs....
So I laid on the ground, she got out a 12 inch plastic ruler, and we measure my height in centimeters.... or at least ruler lengths.....
Yes we actually did this, and we weren't bored.
Turned out my legs are longer. Thank goodness I know.
It sounded good at the time
So I left a really creepy message on Lindsay's Voicemail....... I meant to give her a compliment, b/c she is I said softly in to the phone.
Hey pretty.......... (long pause, and not going to lie probably some breathing)
I am embarassed.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Curius Case of...
Really Mom? Why would people want to spend 3 hours watching a movie about what is up with a man butt.... I certainly am not curious about it.....
What is ..The Curious Case of how ugly Harry Potter is, and how absolutely adorable Ron is........
I am starting to realize my dream of being in Harry Potter is over.....
The curious case of Why Girlfriends suck.... not the TV show... well i am sure that sucked some balls as well..... but in my opinion girlfriends suck....uuuggghhh.. so much efing drama.
Love: Making food
Hate; not having people to eat with
Love: My dog
Hate: Cats...... They scare me
Love: Shopping
Hate: The effect of that love has on my bank account
Love: Rw and Co Laura
Love: Musicals
HATE: Not having enough confidence to sing
Love: Movies
Hate: not having people to go with
Love: Friends
Hate: those that are rude, selfish, late and lack compassion........ Yeah.... most people
Love: Being around people that want to spend time with you and be your friend
Hate : People who can't make up there mind, and never call..... oh but you are still their "Good Friend" and are "Just like a sister" ... Sucka Punch to the face you twat.
Love: Lindsay.... and our red haired baby
Hate: Mark Pribula......shudder
Love: My Many Many Crushes
Hate: That I will never ever have any sort of relationship/one night romance with them.......
Love: Chocolate Cake
Hate: My homemade Blueberry Muffins
Love: Chocolate Teddy Grams with Betty Crocker Fluffy White Icing.... Not vanilla
Hate: Lamb...... the meat not the animal.
Love: Paris
Hate: Not being there
Love: London
Hate: That I can't afford it.
Love: Birthday surprises........ I have never seen people actually be excited for my birthday before
Hate: That I am trying to figure out the surprise..... I want to be surprised...But I don't ...BUT i DO.
Love: my new Glow
Hate: My sun burnt cheeks
Love: Forever 21 Clothes
Hate: how stupid Purolator and The Shipping department at Forever 21 is....
Love: Being Canadian
Hate: That I don't have a cool french or English accent.
Love: That i am tall........ take that mom
Hate: that I tower over my friends..... especially in heels.
Love: Parmesan cheese
Hate: when you go to open the Shaker and there is honey on the lid........ Why is there honey on the Parmesan cheese lid.
Love: Lindsay's excitement of my purchases
Hate: That she isn't here so I can go through my other box.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
My dad was not a fan of this..
"Jessica.... Jess... Can we please keep the showtunes quiet till at least curtain call..."
Curtain call is usually 7:20 or 7:50pm......... He isn't home usually at that time...... FML!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Why I hate transit...
I threw up in my mouth a little.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Me taking the dog for a walk consists of my standing on the driveway watching my dog run around a tree.
So this particular morning I decided to go outside in public wearing my pj's...
let me describe the image.
Sweatband headband (getting ready to wash my face), with an 80's ponytail
A pink top that says "Rolling with my Gnomies" and a very large picture of the travelocity Gnome
Bright Purple Spandex booty shorts
a bright blue short Paul frank Julius Monkey robe.
and bright pink slipper booties with cupcake print and pompom attachments.
Drinking from my Disney Grumpy mug.
I thought I looked quite classy, my mother on the other hand, was having a heart attack as i waved at my neighbours heading off to work.
I have officially embarrassed my mother, payback for the Vix Vapour rub.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Bed time with the TMI Turkey
Damnit why do I fail at anything sexy?
I flashed the auto boys.....
This is not the first time the range rover boys have gotten to see my underwear....
and honestly it probably won't be the last.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday Morning..
I woke up to my mother rubbing Vix Vapour rub on my back.......
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Something New.......
I felt pressured to try something other than my regular Grilled cheese at our local fenders restaurant.
See how Excited I was for the Beef Dip!
I am going back to Grilled Cheese....But thanks for being there and for witnessing it.
Also I think I should have had diet pop......The sugar made me angry not actually angry..;ets just say it makes me one point I think SOME people were purposely trying to stop me from telling my story, which is a bad idea when I am excited to tell something....if i get cut off there is only so much I can take. Well at one point I whisper yelled ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... People found it funny..... I probably would have thrown a knife...
and Angela and Mel discussed labour........
I don't need to elaborate how disgusting it was......
All I can say is I was trying to hide in My shirt and I started thrashing and squirming in my chair.