Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I think I must get high while I sleep

I am allergic to Mosquitoes, I swell when I get bitten...It is not pretty.

Well Now that you know my Kryptonite, let me tell you this

I have 9 bites on my entire body!

I am a giant walking mass of itch! 3 of them are on my ass, and i have trouble not want to scratch......for obvious reasons.

I think I must sleepwalk or something because I do strange things while I sleep.... This morning I awoke naked and on top of a made bed. And I clearly remember wearing clothes to bed, and sleeping under the covers....but some how in the middle of the night my covers were made like they were a hotel bed. I slightly remember my thought process of my clothes though.

I think it went like this

JEEZ it is too noisy to wear a shirt ..... (it was actually my dog making the noise..not my shirt) so the shirt comes off
then a bit later ....
MAN Pants are not freeing, they try to keep me chained down, I will rebel. and they came off

BUT ....

I do not know why the bed was made.....

Also sometime during that time I thought it a good idea to make ice tea......... I remember this happened about 2 in the morning.

Why am I suck a Freak.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey, nobody said ice tea at 2AM is a bad idea. It's a skill to be able to do that while you're asleep, I tell you.
