Monday, June 15, 2009

All By Myself... I love to be... All By Myself.... For A Month.

This Weekend was great.

Only twice did I freak out that someone is in the house.
My dog is cute, but last night she was a pain in the butt, she spent two hours licking her paws. It is loud at 2 am.

My mom trying to Skype is hilarious. Pretty much a repeat of the scene from Forgetting Sarah marshal. We have the cameras on and both laptops have built in micro phones, yet my mom believes I can hear her so she speaks into the speaker which then her head blocks the camera and all i see is grey hair...... Don't tell her I said that.

Lets see what did I do for Two days, and a quarter...

I made a Delicious snapper papillote.
I watched Election, I only like the end when he throws the milkshake at her car and runs away, and when Tracy flick is jumping b/c she was given a signal she won the campaign..... Otherwise I don't like the movie
I watched 18 Kids and counting....... How can you not kiss before you get married....... Like all josh and Anna did was hold hands and gaze into each others eyes and Say "I love you" ... PUKE
Say yes to the dress. I am going to have the coolest wedding
The office....... I love the Cheese puff throwing..... Man I wish I learnt that at BP
watched about two hours worth of unwrapped while talking to jayden on msn.... He stayed up till about 4 am his time to talk to me....hmmmmmm

Slept in till 10:30..... WHAT What Gangsta!
Watched That's Entertainment....... Man I love Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire
Finished the current season of the office. LOVE LOVE LOVE the last two episodes.
If currently watching Scroll till Next ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ sign. WARNING SPOILERS

Michael and his Cafe Disco. Awesome, PHYLLIS and her back...... Oh i lover her she just falls awesome.
Casual Friday and Meredith. Omg .... "Meredith Why aren't you wearing underpants" " It's casual Friday isn't it" .... ahahahaha....Oh Meredith you whore, I love you.
Pam and Jim were going to elope but had too much fun dancing...awwwwww
ANDY AND KELLY..... Omg .. The dance off is amazing. Kelly doing the flashdance stripper scene with no water. is awesome. I want them to be a couple, they are both so weird but perfect know that i saw that episode. They are both so obsessed with who ever they are dating, it would be perfect. LOVE!!!!!
Also I love the Receptionist, she is soooo funny and awkward but nice....
The volleyball game ...oh Phyllis baby you crack me up "Oh my ankle" "Phyllis You didn't even move" " I tripped".... and she runs out of the game with no limp.... awesome.
Pam is good at volleyball.
I just love seeing dundermifflin scrantin as a team, they really used everyone in this episode....
PAM is preggers!!!!!! OMG . When I saw Jims face I started crying, it was so sappy but I hope I have that kind of relationship some day...lov love love.


Oh that crazy show.
and I watch 4 weddings and a funeral
Billy Elliot
Oh and then Kim came over for dinner, It was lovely. I miss girl talk. Love love love.

Funny Face
Realized I can sing
Watch What not to wear.
Finished watching Driving Lessons...... Oh I LOVE YOU RUPERT GRINT.
and found that they made a movie of angus, things and full frontal snogging, but i guess they Had to change it to prefect snogging b/c full frontal is to X-rated.........So i will watch that tonight.

Lindsay isn't hear..... Boooo, and neither is Angela.... boo. Maybe she is just late.......

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